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HOA Annual Meeting

Monday, October 28th 7pm

Freedom Room in Canton Township Hall Lower Level  OR Zoom (link will be emailed)


We want to make sure you know of recent trespassing and attempted car break-ins in our neighborhood.  


One of our board members was just told that on Sunday night, a Woodcreek resident noticed and scared off seven youth/kids wearing ski masks and hoodies who were trespassing in yards on/around Singh and attempting to find open cars to break-in.  They were witnessed walking between homes and cars.  Thankfully, this neighbor saw them and scared them away.  


In response, first, always make sure that you lock your cars and homes at night, and have adequate lighting around your property.  This includes making sure your garage doors are closed as well at all times, if not in use.  


Second, if you do notice anything unusual around your home or another neighbor's home, please notify the police immediately and seek the safety of those with you. 


We have had at least two recent incidents of homeowners' dogs without leashes attacking dogs and their owners while on walks.  Unless you have an invisible fence and your dog is within its bounds, your dog must be on a leash when outdoors.  Please be considerate of one another's safety, and that of our dogs as well.


Canton township announced a new waste removal service provider, Priority Waste, a few weeks ago.  We received an email from the township to clarify the service they will provide, as some misinformation was being spread.  

Note the following, and continue to watch the Focus newsletter for updates: 


• Collection days will not change.  If your collection day is currently Monday, it will remain on Monday starting August 1.


• Priority Waste will continue to collect all garbage, recycling and yard waste on a weekly basis.


• Priority Waste will utilize the existing 64-gallon recycling carts, there will be no change.


• Priority Waste will provide 95-gallon garbage carts to each curbside collection address.  We are investigating alternatives for seniors and those with disabilities.  More information will be provided as it becomes available.


Residents should continue to check the FOCUS newsletter each month for details.  In July, a full two-page flap will be dedicated to the implementation of Priority Waste. The goal of the flap is to address all questions and concerns before the August 1 switch.


We have had at least two recent incidents of homeowners' dogs without leashes attacking dogs and their owners while on walks.  Unless you have an invisible fence and your dog is within its bounds, your dog must be on a leash when outdoors.  Please be considerate of one another's safety, and that of our dogs as well.


We hope you are enjoying this early Spring! 


Your invoices for 2024 dues will arrive in your mailbox sometime in the next week, via USPS.  Your check or money order for $450 is due March 31.  Late fees and penalties will accrue per bylaws if we receive your payment after March 31.  


Please mail payment to: 

Woodcreek of Canton HOA 

P.O. BOX 871014

Canton,  MI  48187-6014 


Payable to "Woodcreek HOA." 


2023 ANNUAL HOA Meeting is on Thursday. 11/16/2023 at 7 PM. All residents are invited.


For residents that are not on our mailing list, and would like to receive the Zoom link to attend the meeting remotely, please use the google form on the landing page and sign up with your email addresses.


Join us for a fall cleanup effort on Sunday, September 17th to help keep our neighborhood attractive. Details in the flyer below.


If you are looking for a caulking service for your driveway or flat ground Brendan Homberg in Canton will come out and give you can accurate measurement and price area being caulked. All flat ground caulking is at $4 per foot, and includes materials for the job. Please PM him on facebook for further details.


* Yard Waste pickup is now on SATURDAY through July 8th, pending the township's contract with GFL. 

Curbside pickup of residential yard waste will begin April 5 and continue until December 16.  All yard waste should be placed with recyclables on the opposite side of your driveway from your refuse.  Yard waste and recyclables must always be placed separate from your refuse to avoid confusion during collection.  

In addition, GFL will hold the first clean-up of 2022 on Saturday, April 23, from 8am-4pm at their facility located at 42100 Van Born Road.

For questions or more information on refuse, recycling and yard waste collection visit or call GFL at 844/464-3587.

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